The Assassin's Creed III the Final Installment of the Assassin's Creed Trilogy
Based during the American Civil War 1753 to 1783 the game features the cities Boston and New York as well as a wilderness called the Frontier.
(The Frontier itself is 1.5 times bigger then Rome)
Ubisoft has been working on this Installment for 3years.
There's a new protagonist (finally) Connor the son of a British Soldier and Mohawk Mother.
It shows his experiences during the war
(Addtional Info)But for some of you guys who don't know
Assassin's Creed:BrotherHood & Assassin's Creed:Revelations
Is a game of itself but it is just the extention of Assassin's Creed II Storyline
*Assassin's Creed is the story of one man reliving the lives of his ancestors. Altaïr was the middle of a very very long time-line. There are still many places to explore.Assassin's Creed has always been planned to be a trilogy, and Desmond is going back in time, using the Animus to eventually become the ultimate Assassin.
*The first two games story summary.
Assassin's Creed III is the Ninth game in the main titles of the series
Main Story Line
-Assassin's Creed (2007)
-Assassin's Creed II (2009)
-Assassin's Creed III (2012)
Story Extentions:
-Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010)
-Assassin's Creed:Revelations (2011)
Portable :
-Assassin's Creed:Altaïr's Chronicles (2008)
-Assassin's Creed:Bloodlines (2009)
-Assassin's Creed II:Discovery (2009)
-Assassin's Creed:Project Legacy (2010)
If you have'nt gotten the latest installment of the Assassins Creed Series
Click the link below
Available for PS3,Xbox360,PC & PC download