Monday, May 9, 2011

Alright GUYS here is the second joke of the week SO HERE IT GOES!!! (warning this joke may be too long for you) Richard visited the hospital to check up on his business partner Richard:"ok doc give it to me straight how long has he got to live. Doctor:"not much time left he is eager to meet you but make the visite short he must have his rest. Richard enters paul's room... Richard:"Paul i've come to visite you. Paul:"Richard i've I have to tell you something its very... Richard interupts... Richard:"save yor energy Paul you'll need it". Paul:"no I wanted to tell you that i've been a very bad business partner.You remember the time when your wife busted you for having an effair with your secretary,you want to know who told her right, well it was me,I told her.You wanna how I got my BMW ,well I took 100000$ from the company's vault,and youwanna know who told the bill inspector that you didn't pay your electricity bill for ten years well it was... Richard interups again... Richard:"Its ok paul its ok,its alright I forgive you,I forgive you BECAUSE I WAS THE ONE WHO PUT POISON IN YOUR CUP OF TEA!!

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